Between Our Worlds' Triple Pattern Fragments server

Latest (July 2024)

Search Latest (July 2024) by triple pattern

Matches in Latest (July 2024) for { ?s ?p Garrod fights Witz and Roybea. He realizes he is outnumbered so he bluffs that the gundam has a special weapon. After being astounded that they are fighting a kid, Witz and Roybea attack. Garrod is told that stupid bluffs like that don't work, and that lying is bad. Garrod then hides and puts Tiffa into the Gundam X's hand, saying not to fire or she'll die from it. He escapes and Jamil stops the pilots from chasing the Gundam X in Tiffa's interests. Garrod and Tiffa find a clearing to build a fire and eat in. Garrod wolfs down his food, and finishes Tiffa's at her request. An information broker sells information to several vultures that a boy has a gundam. In the Frieden's mobile suit dock, Garrod and Witz are wondering why Tiffa is important to the captain. They have an idea of finding out her secret, and Witz wonders what the value of it will be. Sarah and Tonya reveal that they were listening the whole time, and Roybea tries to bargain with Sarah so she won't tell the captain. Hi. }

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