Between Our Worlds' Triple Pattern Fragments server

Latest (July 2024)

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Matches in Latest (July 2024) for { ?s ?p Hatori is a young girl who lives in a troubled family, with her parents constantly arguing with each other. Thinking that it's her fault her parents are angry at each other, Hatori wishes that they would get along, which is when her Dream of Alice power manifests. The next day, Hatori, along with her friend Ayumu, find out that Hatori can use her power to mind control people. However, a side effect of this power is that it turns whoever she's controlling into a mindless, emotionless puppet for a period of time. After using her power for fun and to play pranks on her classmates, Hatori comes to the realization that she had been unconsciously using her power to mind control her own parents into having a happy marriage again. Horrified at the revelation, Hatori decides to run away from home, and Ayumu decides to accompany her. Hatori then uses her power to stop the entire city, which also freezes Zouroku, though Sana remains unaffected. In fright, Sana goes out to see what's going on and encounters Hatori. Upon realizing Hatori is at fault, Sana attempts to attack her, breaking Hatori's spell. However, Sana and Hatori's powers appear to cancel each other out whenever Sana tries to manifest something, and Hatori flees while Sana faints from overusing her powers. Hatori realizes she must have caused great distress to Sana by freezing everybody around her, and laments that she's become an "evil witch." (Source: Wikipedia). }

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