Between Our Worlds' Triple Pattern Fragments server

Latest (July 2024)

Search Latest (July 2024) by triple pattern

Matches in Latest (July 2024) for { ?s ?p Pollyanna and Jimmy's collaborative seventh heaven at the successful completion of their castle quickly gives way to the epiphany that they have taken a crucial choice away from John Pendleton; Jimmy's trepidation easily defeated with some goading from Pollyanna, both kids are astonished to find that Mr. Pendleton is in quite a jovial mood from Pollyanna paying him a visit that enables him to take the whole squatting matter in stride complete with an impromptu and colorful science lesson which is inclusive euphoria until Pollyanna to tactlessly mentions her aunt which anguishes the Miser. Confused by the sour ambiance, Pollyanna tries to compute for the deviant diagnostic while also seeking Jimmy's counsel about a solution to resolving the feud between Polly and the Miser; misreading Jimmy's ignorance as callousness, Pollyanna storms off to take matters into her own hands . . . right before she browns out and collapses with a high fever which does not make anybody's day -- especially Polly's!!! Mrs. Durgin prosecutes a brief but emphatic argument for playing things by ear versus importing external medical assistance as a first resort; galvanized by this data, Polly decides for playing things by ear -- the backdrop for Pollyanna tactlessly mentioning Dr. Chilton much to Polly's disgust. Nancy's nocturnal bedside vigil is ultimately what the doctor ordered to extinguish Pollyanna's fever; about the only thing more joyous than Pollyanna's full recovery complete with a hefty appetite is Nancy successfully interpreting the mechanics of Polly's collaborative prologue with the Miser and Dr. Chilton!!! . }

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